Monday 6 October 2008

Too much party not enough pedal!

Well, it has to be said I turned 30 in style - sharing a huge party with Chris and Matt, two of my best mates, with literally tons of people all coming to Brighton to help us celebrate. And celebrate we did!! 12 hours solid of partying - a live singer, a DJ, great food, and fab guests (except the git who broke the door to let the cat out - despite the cat flap!). All in all a very memorable evening, I'll treasure it forever.. :-)

You may wonder what having a massive 30th birthday party has to do with getting in shape for a 250 mile bike ride. And you'd be right to wonder - because it has NOTHING to do with it, I haven't cycled for days!! Ooh err, need to get those legs pedalling - and soon. Luckily there's an organised bike ride this weekend, led by the fab cycle leader Steve.. 40 miles in the South Downs. So I'll be able to see how rubbish I am compared with the other people going on the trip - sure that's going to make me feel loads better!

On a serious 'turning 30' note - it's made me think about life and all that. And realise I'm really lucky to live here, and when/if the time comes for maternity services (don't worry Mum, it's a few years off yet!!) I'll be able to get the support i need. Not so for women of my generation in Ethiopia and other countries. Every minute a woman somewhere in the world dies in pregnancy or childbirth - shocking statistics.

The fundraising is sometimes creeping, and sometimes leaping, upwards. Nearly there my friends - if you can sponsor me a few pounds, every little bit really really helps.

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